As we open the first few doors on our advent calendars this year, isCompliant want to respond to some horrifying claims. Claims that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Come on. Really? Let’s look at the facts. The Official Santa Tracker NORAD, The North American Aerospace Defense Command, tracks Santa every year from 1 December until the […]
“Competence, like truth, beauty, and contact lenses, is in the eye of the beholder.” So said Laurence J Peter, a high-profile Canadian educator, perhaps best known for his management theory, the ‘Peter Principle’, published in 1969. This theory proposes that candidates tend to be selected on how well they’re doing in their current role, rather […]
What is ‘quality’? It’s a word that means so many different things to different people. To most, the Oxford dictionary definition will suffice – it’s a “general excellence of standard or level”, and it can be applied to everything from groceries to goal shots. But when the term ‘quality’ is used on site, the meaning […]
In case you hadn’t noticed, mindfulness is the new big thing. You can find courses for it everywhere online – mindfulness for well-being, mindfulness for anxiety, mindfulness for education, and – last but not least – mindfulness for business. To sci-fi geeks it’s nothing new. Those guys all discovered mindfulness the Jedi way, back in the […]
Most of us have worked in companies where, like Mulder in the X-Files, the ‘IT guys’ would inhabit the windowless basement of our office building. We’d occasionally call for their help, at which point these pallid professionals would materialise in Metallica tee-shirts and jeans to sort the problem. After trying to explain the fix in […]
ISO in the real world! Whatever your politics may be, Brexit has doubtless shaken up your business – and your people – a little bit in these past weeks. The water cooler chat is now less about Sky’s latest Scandi drama, and more about ‘What does the future hold for us?’. But, whether delighted by […]
John F Kennedy once said: ‘Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.’ Heck, that man could deliver a line. But there’s more to his words than political spin. They’re relevant today, and every day – especially in business. Every business […]
‘Health and Safety’. It’s the butt of stand-up comedians and broadcasters everywhere. The phrase is usually accompanied by a theatrical roll of the eyes, with maybe a bad Cockney accent thrown in for good measure. We blame it for nonsensical decisions, extra work and red tape – anything that spoils a bit of fun. ‘Elf […]
Where did all the Westerns go? Saturday mornings used to be full of rattlesnakes, quicksand, varmints, and grubby cowboys biting down on gold coins. The wild west was a hazardous place where few could be trusted, especially when it came to gold. But why the biting? Since pure gold is pretty soft, a genuine coin […]
It’s a phrase that’s immediately familiar to military personnel, and to fervent NCIS fans. Now you think of it, you’ve probably heard it now and then. But what’s it got to do with compliance? ‘I got your six’ was a saying coined by World War I fighter pilots who’d refer to a pilot’s rear as […]