Exciting news: notification emails are here! We know that this is a feature that many of you have requested – receiving notifications when records within your isCompliant system are due to expire. This is something we have been working hard over the past few months to realise, and we’re pleased to announce that this weekend, […]
The world is in lockdown, and we’re living in unprecedented times. What’s more, the anxiety is made worse by frequently updated quarantine restrictions and fears for our own, and our family’s, safety. But what if a simple app could help keep you and others safe? Incubated by QEM Ltd, our team at Nuclyus Ltd have […]
Respected American Judge Potter Stewart once said that ‘Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.’ What did he mean by that? Basically, that sometimes abiding by the law isn’t enough. To be ethical, to be respectable, and to stand up for what is […]
Yours is a small company, with just six employees. You make every effort to look after your people by complying with Employment Law. But surely your business is just too small to have to worry about details like risk assessments, procurement policy, data regulations, and waste disposal? Well, when it comes to regulation, size doesn’t […]
The UK has had it pretty rough in the past couple of years. Coloured by the Brexit debacle, the tenure of Theresa May will not go down well in the annals of time. But, whatever happens with our place in Europe, there is one reason why we shouldn’t doubt the ‘Great’ in Great Britain. And […]
World Accreditation Day takes place on 9th June 2019, and will focus on how accreditation adds value to supply chains and procurement activities. Over the years, this annual diary date has become increasingly important – promoting the value of accreditation, accredited conformity assessment and standards. There’s a website fit to bust with information about accreditation, training and […]
isCompliant helps clients through the audit process all year round. By making your business more organised, and much more transparent, isCompliant guides organisations towards certification in the ISO Standards that are so crucial to their prosperity. As a result, we’re pretty clear on the ‘magic formula’ that makes for a successful audit. Want to know […]
If you’ve ever worked for a large corporate, it’s likely you’re familiar with those cheesy motivational posters of tanned, muscular people running up hillsides alongside an ‘inspirational’ quote. Chances are you’ve seen the one that goes like this: “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.” Not the most original observation […]
Waste. You bin it and forget it. Pat yourself on the back for recycling into your blue bin, brown bin, grey bin and food waste bin. Happy days. Once all your debris is sorted into those cheerful, colour-coordinated wheelies, and that big noisy lorry arrives, they’re someone else’s problem. Aren’t they? After all, you’ve done […]
You’ve just interviewed the ideal person for a vacancy in your company. Your projects have been stalled by the lengthy process of recruitment, and deadlines are looming. It’s understandable that you want to get that bright-eyed candidate to sign on the dotted line. After all, they’re perfect for the job. Or are they? Recruitment agencies […]