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Coming back better: your business in 2021

New Year

January – it’s the month for resolutions, going dry, eating your greens, and generally having a rubbish time. Or is it? In 2021, we think the ‘cruellest month’ will be imbued instead with hope: time to put 2020 behind us, join the queue for a vaccine, hug our friends again, and start the journey of getting back to normal. Or how about even better than normal?

New year, better business

One of the things that the lockdown hokey cokey taught us all is that only really organised businesses could survive it. And out of those, only the businesses with the right tools were able to keep turning a profit. So how about joining their ranks in 2021? Because let’s face it – we’re not out of the economic woods yet.  

isCompliant creates business resilience

At its core, isCompliant is a system designed to measure and display how compliant your business is, and to hold your hand as you progress to compliance. But a happy by-product of using isCompliant is that it simply makes your business healthier, more competitive, and better organised.

Let’s take the simple things that can get overlooked in a busy working day. There’s things like tracking actions to ensure they’re completed on time; receiving, recording and monitoring customer feedback; managing employee competencies; carrying out and recording employee appraisals. The list goes on. These processes are vital, but often sacrificed when things get hectic. But letting them slide ultimately creates a business that’s disorganised, less agile, and of poorer quality. When the going gets tough – say, another lockdown – businesses like these are unlikely to make it out the other side still making a buck. But isCompliant can change all that. Embedding crucial processes into the fabric of  your working day means that they are completed while you work, rather than left languishing on your to-do list.

Getting your business 2021 ready

A cloud-based system, isCompliant holds everything in one place – so you can consider ditching your filing cabinet for starters. It’s accessible wherever you, or your employees are, enabling remote working from any location. Good news if we have to endure another lockdown. You can even bin the post-its – isCompliant will remind you of those things that can get forgotten in the daily rush. It will remind you of things like staff reviews, risk assessments, audits – in fact, everything you need to remember. You’ll keep track of your assets, communicate better with both your staff and customers, and even lessen your impact on the environment – all while you’re doing your normal job. It’s no surprise that a business that gets these things right tends to cut costs, become steadily more profitable, and has an edge in the procurement marketplace, too.

Helping you to gain ISO certification

Maybe you’re one of those businesses whose resolution after surviving the COVID debacle is to secure ISO 9001. isCompliant’s modules cover all of its requirements, making it less complicated than you might expect. You’ll be on the way to securing certification swiftly, gaining valuable leverage in the tender process, too. But it’s not just 9001: isCompliant can help you towards certification in ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management, and ISO 27001 Information Security Management. All standards which – we believe – will be increasingly sought after in a contracted marketplace post-COVID.

Putting 2020 behind you to come back better

If ever there was a year to make a really fresh start on your business, surely it’s 2021? Get in touch now to find out how we can help get your business ready for anything.

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