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Notifications are live!

Notifications email example

Exciting news: notification emails are here!

We know that this is a feature that many of you have requested – receiving notifications when records within your isCompliant system are due to expire.

This is something we have been working hard over the past few months to realise, and we’re pleased to announce that this weekend, notification reports have gone live!

What will I receive?

We know you are busy and don’t want to bombard you with emails, so rather than getting a notification for every separate review due, isCompliant will now send each user a summary task list at the start of each month.

This will detail all tasks that require action from the user in the forthcoming 2 months, as well as any tasks they may have missed from the previous month. 

As an example, the email sent on the 1st December will detail:

We hope that this summary will help you stay on track and never forget a task!

Who is getting the notifications?

If you are listed as a manager, an assessor, a reviewer, a responsible person, an attendee or a manager within an isCompliant record, you will be notified. 

It might be worth checking through your records to make sure the right person is listed.

What am I getting notified about?

Lots of things!

The task list is broken down by module to make it easier for you to tick them off.

We hope you like the new functionality, and please do keep logging feedback with us so we can continue to make isCompliant better for you!