The month of New Year resolutions, weight loss, detox, and eating very green things like kale. For whatever change you want to make, there’s a gadget that promises to deliver a miracle, from Apple watches to heart monitors, ab toners to sleep apps. You’ve expended all this effort – to get fitter, leaner, and change how you think. Chances are, you might have lost a pound or two already, so well done you! Here, have a pie. Or a pint. Or both.
There ain’t no point in dropping a dress size if your business is still looking flabby. See, this is where isCompliant comes in. It’s nothing short of a personal trainer for your business, a super-intelligent Fitbit for how you make your living. And, unlike most New Year resolutions, it won’t fall by the wayside by Valentine’s Day. By next year you’ll be running a very tight ship and looking forward to another organised year.
At its core, isCompliant is a system designed to measure and display how compliant your business is, and to hold your hand as you progress to compliance. But a happy by-product of using isCompliant is that it makes your business healthier. A cloud-based system, isCompliant holds everything in one place – so you can shed a bit of weight (in box files) very quickly. It’s accessible wherever you, or your employees are, making work more flexible. You can even bin the post-its – isCompliant will remind you of those things that can get forgotten in the daily rush, like staff reviews, risk assessments, audits – in fact, everything you need to remember. You’ll keep track of your assets, communicate better with both your staff and customers, and even lessen your impact on the environment. A business that gets these things right tends to cut costs and become steadily more profitable. And you don’t even have to eat kale.
(Yikes: it’s like a bad word, isn’t it?) Well, panic not – ISO 9001 isn’t as complicated as many would have you believe. isCompliant’s modules cover all of its requirements, so you can bite it off in little, unterrifying chunks. You’ll probably achieve the holy grail of securing certification months (or even years) before your competitors. Phew – what a load off your mind.
But seriously, if the system’s that good, surely it must be hard to use? Well, actually, no. At the start, you’ll do some basic data entry. Thereafter, it’s even more straightforward. It’s simple, intuitive and visual — just the way you like your favourite tech. The colour-coded dashboard displays all your important business processes in one place and shows how each is performing each time you log on. So, you don’t even have to remember to ask it how you’re doing. How’s that for a personal trainer?
Sweet. Sounds like a plan.
Tags: auditing, ISO 9001, resolution, shape up, technology