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World Accreditation Day 2019 – what can it do for me?

Friday 7th June 2019

World Accreditation Day takes place on 9th June 2019, and will focus on how accreditation adds value to supply chains and procurement activities. Over the years, this annual diary date has become increasingly important – promoting the value of accreditation, accredited conformity assessment and standards. There’s a website fit to bust with information about accreditation, training and […]

Is there a magic formula for audit success?

Thursday 28th March 2019

isCompliant helps clients through the audit process all year round. By making your business more organised, and much more transparent, isCompliant guides organisations towards certification in the ISO Standards that are so crucial to their prosperity. As a result, we’re pretty clear on the ‘magic formula’ that makes for a successful audit. Want to know […]

ISO standards as a lingua franca

Friday 11th August 2017

Bring two people together who don’t speak the same language and they are mutually incomprehensible. Little, if anything, can be achieved. But give them a common tongue – a lingua franca – and they can understand each other, negotiate, share ideas, trade, improve and innovate. This is exactly what ISO Standards do. They’re a set […]

Plastic Technology Services Ltd: No fuss first-time certification and significant time saving

Thursday 27th July 2017

What they say “We wanted to have confidence in the technology we used to help us achieve certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for the first time. The isCompliant system and support were exactly what we needed.” How we helped Having been at the forefront of plastic recycling for over 30 years, PTS say […]

Always bite your coin: the importance of using UKAS accredited certification bodies

Thursday 28th April 2016

Where did all the Westerns go? Saturday mornings used to be full of rattlesnakes, quicksand, varmints, and grubby cowboys biting down on gold coins. The wild west was a hazardous place where few could be trusted, especially when it came to gold. But why the biting? Since pure gold is pretty soft, a genuine coin […]