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When the law just ain’t enough: the isCompliant Obligations Module

Monday 16th March 2020

Respected American Judge Potter Stewart once said that ‘Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.’ What did he mean by that? Basically, that sometimes abiding by the law isn’t enough. To be ethical, to be respectable, and to stand up for what is […]

Does size really matter?

Monday 11th November 2019

Yours is a small company, with just six employees. You make every effort to look after your people by complying with Employment Law. But surely your business is just too small to have to worry about details like risk assessments, procurement policy, data regulations, and waste disposal? Well, when it comes to regulation, size doesn’t […]

Why Little Britain can still be trusted

Friday 5th July 2019

The UK has had it pretty rough in the past couple of years. Coloured by the Brexit debacle, the tenure of Theresa May will not go down well in the annals of time. But, whatever happens with our place in Europe, there is one reason why we shouldn’t doubt the ‘Great’ in Great Britain. And […]

Waste: out of sight cannot be out of mind.

Tuesday 24th July 2018

Waste. You bin it and forget it. Pat yourself on the back for recycling into your blue bin, brown bin, grey bin and food waste bin. Happy days. Once all your debris is sorted into those cheerful, colour-coordinated wheelies, and that big noisy lorry arrives, they’re someone else’s problem. Aren’t they? After all, you’ve done […]

ISO standards as a lingua franca

Friday 11th August 2017

Bring two people together who don’t speak the same language and they are mutually incomprehensible. Little, if anything, can be achieved. But give them a common tongue – a lingua franca – and they can understand each other, negotiate, share ideas, trade, improve and innovate. This is exactly what ISO Standards do. They’re a set […]