Respected American Judge Potter Stewart once said that ‘Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.’ What did he mean by that? Basically, that sometimes abiding by the law isn’t enough. To be ethical, to be respectable, and to stand up for what is […]
Yours is a small company, with just six employees. You make every effort to look after your people by complying with Employment Law. But surely your business is just too small to have to worry about details like risk assessments, procurement policy, data regulations, and waste disposal? Well, when it comes to regulation, size doesn’t […]
In case you hadn’t noticed, mindfulness is the new big thing. You can find courses for it everywhere online – mindfulness for well-being, mindfulness for anxiety, mindfulness for education, and – last but not least – mindfulness for business. To sci-fi geeks it’s nothing new. Those guys all discovered mindfulness the Jedi way, back in the […]
‘Health and Safety’. It’s the butt of stand-up comedians and broadcasters everywhere. The phrase is usually accompanied by a theatrical roll of the eyes, with maybe a bad Cockney accent thrown in for good measure. We blame it for nonsensical decisions, extra work and red tape – anything that spoils a bit of fun. ‘Elf […]