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Life after lockdown: work better than ever

Thursday 9th July 2020

Lockdown, COVID-19, New normal

Protect your mental health in lockdown: for you, your family, and your business

Monday 4th May 2020

Everyone’s talking about safeguarding our mental health during lockdown, but how do we look after our well-being and still get our jobs done? Here are our top five tips for looking after yourself while you’re looking after your business. Create a calm work environment We’re in lockdown for another three weeks at least, so it’s […]

COVID-19: Could now be the time to get your business ship-shape?

Monday 23rd March 2020

You may have seen in the news that COVID-19, alongside the devastation it has caused, has brought unexpected benefits to our planet. Air quality is rapidly improving, disparate communities now pull together, and fish are even reappearing in the canals of Venice. But could this time of lockdown also benefit your business? Yes, it could. […]

What Mark Twain knew about productivity at work

Thursday 19th March 2020

Everyone wants to be more productive, which, in contrast to just being ‘busy’, means that you actually get through your to-do list and have a life outside of work. It’s a no-brainer. But, if you’re working long hours and getting nowhere, what are you doing wrong? We’ve searched far and wide, drawing wisdom from Harvard […]