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Tidying up the world, one business at a time

Over the course of our lifetime, we’ll lose 3,680 hours – or 153 days – just searching for lost things. If that’s happening at work, that’s a big dent in your bottom line. When you’re grafting, there seems to be no time to tidy up the office or discard as you go. But what if hoarding – clutter – is the enemy to your effectiveness?

Marie Kondo is a bright-eyed Japanese writer de-cluttering the planet one household at a time with her KonMari Method™ of tidying. Inspiring people to lead lives that ‘spark joy’, she’s written several books, has a team of consultants that deliver seminars worldwide, has her own App, and even her own hashtag: #organizetheworld

The basic principle is simple. When you get rid of the stuff you don’t need, you’re left with the stuff you do. And when you can see these things more clearly, you look after them better. You find them more quickly. You don’t waste time looking for things. You make decisions faster. Life gets easier, and you sort out your head. You get the joy back.

Now, back to us.

See, we worked this out a while ago. When we tidied up our office, our way of working, and our heads, we resolved to create software that would help every other business do the same. The result is isCompliant. Just like Marie folding up clothes to be immediately accessible, we fold up every aspect of your business life and tuck it neatly behind one intuitive dashboard.

Your entire, fast-paced, complicated, evolving, conflicting, hectic business. Tidied up into one intuitive screen. All your paperwork stored in the cloud. All your meetings, actions and reminders held in one place. Everything connected, from HR, to asset management, through to COSHH legislation and assessments. No distracting ‘stuff’.  No paper, no post-its. Heck, that sounds like heaven.

Not only that, but if you need compliance to tender, isCompliant will tell you how ISO certification-ready you are – in real-time. Logging in to your colour-coded dashboard (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green) provides an instant, visual status report of each critical area of your business – at one view. Any reds in there? You will be prompted to address these and supported on a sure path to compliance.

While it’s up to the gifted Ms Kondo to tidy up your wardrobe, your kitchen and your garage, we’ll take care of your work life. isCompliant will de-clutter your office, your desk, your business, and –most importantly – your mind.

Stop wading through stuff to get the job done. It’s time to put the joy back into working.

Get your free isCompliant trial here:

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