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When the law just ain’t enough: the isCompliant Obligations Module

Respected American Judge Potter Stewart once said that ‘Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.’

What did he mean by that? Basically, that sometimes abiding by the law isn’t enough. To be ethical, to be respectable, and to stand up for what is right, you need to go even further than merely fulfilling your legal requirements.

And that’s why we’ve created the Obligations module.

At isCompliant, we realised that in the current business climate, everyone is under scrutiny. Businesses have to be the best version of themselves, and be held accountable for every decision they make. Everyone is interested in your integrity – customers, suppliers, legislative bodies; the list of stakeholders goes on. The key ISO standards themselves now require way more than just meeting the law. In front of this critical audience, we soon realised that our ‘Legislation’ module would no longer cut the mustard.

That’s where the Obligations module comes in, allowing you greater definition of Obligation types and categories. Further, you’ll be able to define the influences on your business – whether internal or external. In tandem, these classifications help your business meet the requirements of Annex SL, by identifying every one of your internal and external stakeholders and their expectations. That could be anyone from your own suppliers, employees, neighbours, to compliance bodies – or even the Government.  

And it doesn’t end there. The Obligations module can be linked to any other module in the isCompliant interface, building up a body of evidence for Risk Assessment, Audits and more, without any rework. Two birds – in fact many birds – but just one stone.

Why do all this? isCompliant will reveal which obligations are critical to your business, and which stakeholders have the greatest influence upon you. Priorities become clearer, resulting actions more organised. No more dropping balls. No more business faux pas.

You just got impeccable.

Want to know more? Check out our Obligations tutorial!

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